Transform Your Bedroom Décor with Pops of Color –

As the winter months fade away, it’s time to transition our homes from cozy and cold-weather inspired spaces into something brighter for the spring and summer seasons ahead. In my bedroom, I’ve enjoyed the flannel sheets all winter long. However, it was time for a refresh as we bid farewell to the snow. With spring cleaning and redecorating in full swing, I gave my bedroom a refresh by packing away the flannels in favor of crisp new sheets, and bringing in pops of colorful florals and rich red tones.

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I focused on adding pops of color with soft blankets, and finished the foot of the bed off with a vintage quilt I thrifted. The red blanket brings just the right amount of warmth and vibrancy to balance out the white sheets and tufted headboard. I like to fold it at the end of the bed for an inviting look.

I also decided to bring in the outdoors inside by incorporating red faux flowers so there was a pop of color throughout the room. Having the faux plant by the window is my way of inviting spring literally into our bedroom and it brings a smile to my face each morning. 

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Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and every other day. It truly means the world to us here on the farm. Make sure to keep up with us daily on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest  and TikTok. As always, Stay Cozy!

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